Monday, April 25, 2005

I'll go ahead and warn you, this is a bitch about the fact that the last two days of my life can blow me:
<lj-cut text="lifes a bitch...">
Ok, so I had this absolutely enormous mondo humongous graphics project due today. Nevermind the fact that it's already a project I hate. It's a brochure on this boring ass state park, and we're supposed to make the park exciting enough for people to want to visit it. NO ONE WANTS TO VISIT SC STATE PARKS, AND NO AMATEUR BROCHURE MAKING IS GOING TO CHANGE THAT.
Anyway, nevermind that. I did the brochure, or 99% of it earlier this week, thinking that I'd get a head start on it so I wouldnt have to be doing it during the weeked as it got closer to exams. So I wait until Sundays open lab hours to go in a fix a couple font things and print it out. It was a thirty minute job, why shouldn't I wait until Sunday? It's not like I dont have the time on Sunday afternoons to do this kind of shit. So i go in at noon and the lab isnt open like its supposed to be. Surprise surprise. So I come back an hour later. Still not open. i call the head of the vis com department (I dont mess around with peons, why not go straight to the top?) and get him to send someone down to open the damn doors. I come back at three and the lab is open, so I sit down to do my THIRTY MINUTE job, only to discover that.....thats right, the journalism school has erased my ENTIRE project that took me hours to create. Why didnt you save your project on a CD or something, kate? you ask. Well Ill tell you why. The project is so extensive, that even after I erased EVERYTHING on my flash drive, there wasn't enough room to save it. So here I am looking at a completely blank screen, no trace of my project.
I would like to congratulate myself at this point for not having a nervous breakdown, because if you know me at all, you know that this kind of thing is just the kind of thing that usually sends me over the edge. I calmly (as calm as can be expected anyway) restart my project. It takes me just around three and a half hours to finish it. When I try to print it out, nothing happens. There is no graduate assistant in the print lab because hes gone home early. I cant fix the printer because it requires a textbook to understand how that printer works. So I think: I''ll come back at eight (because I have to go to a concert anyway) and print it out when theres someone in the lab.
I go to print out my project, and all the doors to the building are locking. I might remind you that the building is schedualed to be opened until ten. So I call the head of the vis comm department again, and he gives me the number to the lab. which is busy. I'm cold, and loosing it, and wearing heels and pearls, so I go down to the big doors and kick them <i>hard</i> with my high heels until the stupid grad assistant comes to see what the noise is and lets me in. and I ruined my heels doing it >:(
Anyway, It takes me an hour to print because the printer is malfunctioning and the grad assistant basically has to do it for me because its an immensely complex process which I do not understand. So finally. FINALLY i have my project in hand, and I head to walmart to get the black foam board I need to mount it. But wait! Halfway to walmart, i realize the grad student actually did NOT print my project right, and one side of the brochure is SMALLER then the other side. so I have to go back and have him do it again.
Finally, I get to walmart, thinking that there has to be an end to this, and lo and behold, walmart has no black foam board. I'm calm. I'm collected. I'll just go to another walmart. And another.
NO WALMART IN COLUMBIA HAS BLACK FOAM BOARD AND I HAVENT HAD FUCKING DINNER. So we buy blue foamboard and black posterboard thinking tthat we;ll just attatch the poster board to the foamboard, and itll be black. Wrong. posterboard doesnt stick to shit, so at ELEVEN O FUCKING CLOCK I head back to walmart, and buy more blue foamboard (I ruined the former piece) and black spray paint (what? I'm desperate) and I spraypaint th eblue foamboard and it looks ok.
No. It's not ok. because rubber cement (which is what I attach my project to the board with) reacts with black spray paint, and actually <i>removes</i> the paint from the board. At this point, i just scoot my prject over a little on the board and hope he doesnt notice because its one AM and I have to sleep.
Also, I had no butcher paper to make a cover sheet for my project, So I had to do it this morning.
Basically, it took me twenty hours to complete my project because god hates me.
Also, my @#$^!@#$!@#$ing cough is back and I have juries.
And my pearls that my mother gave me fell off sometime last night, so that blows. Some assclown at walmart is wearing my fucking pearls.

I'm out, to go jump off a high high bridge.