Friday, April 9, 2004


here we go, this is kate writing in her journal. Nothing bad is happening to me at this point in my life except for the fact that i have to go to english which is very bad, but not SO bad that I need to write an entry. I have two and a half jobs, one and a half of which are babysitting. I hate my church job, especially handbells, and im about to tell Arletta where she can take her ten painful hours and fifty bucks a week, im going to europe in a month and three days, I have rent and a deposit to pay by june (700$), im going to have a house this summer and for the rest of my college career, my fish are still alive, and i think im going to switch majors. Again. this time i'll get it right, i swear. wow, this is a lot longer then I thought it would be...