Thursday, November 20, 2008

OH (cold) SNAP

PS: It's COLD today. Tonight the low temp has the word "teen" in it, and no, I'm talking about fifty-twoteen degrees. Commence lack of fashion......NOW.

PPS: Speaking of fashion, my mom has agreed to fashion a long sleeved fleece jacket for Oliver. I will definitely provide pictures.

PPPS: Someone today told me the picture of oliver in his stupid cow hat was, well, stupid (those weren't her exact words but I get IS stupid) and I quickly set the record straight. That hat keeps him WARM. Ya'll I'm so serious. His brains would probably turn to ice if he didn't wear hats in winter. I assume his cranial space is made mostly of water, so this is entirely possible.

OH SNAP. It's five o clock. I have actually been busy today AND updated my blog. Yep, I'm awesome.