Monday, September 8, 2008


This morning I am in my own little world, and as such when a co-worker walked by me and said "Hey" I responded like this:


NOW WHAT?! I couldn't have picked a more heinously dismissive way to greet my coworker if I HAD thought about what was coming out of my mouth.

"Hey kate"
" go ahead and SAY hey, because you know what? I'm not going to say it back."

Gawd. I guess I could always shoot her an email but "hey, sorry for saying mmm-hmmm to you in the hallway" seems...obsequious, at best. The best I can hope for is that she heard my follow-up "Hey", which my brain DID authorize to come out of my mouth.


C and I didn't go to the DirectBuy Showroom on Saturday because we had KICKBALL PRACTICE. You may be laughing but anytime that there has been at least fifteen years between the first and next time I did something I deign to need practice. Naturally I'm AWFUL. This is what my "coach" said when I failed to get on base for the 6th and final time:

"You're the most consistent kicker we've got!"

Thats great...except everyone on the team is the most consistent kicker we've got. It's not like this is fast pitch kickball. It's not like the kickball is made of lead and traveling at seventy five miles an hour.

In addition to just being plain awful and not knowing any of the rules I managed to injure myself about ten minutes in to practice. And we all know how big of a baby Kate is. Let's just say that you never want something as innocuous as kickball to result in a desperate bargain with god on the field to not pass out.

Here's an action shot:

Look at that form! Notice that although the ball is well on its way to being caught by the opposite team and hurled to first base, I am still in no way moving forward. In fact, in this picture I appear to be moving BACKWARDS.

To contrast, I'd like to post some action shots of C, who proved to be nothing short of a kickball hero:

Here he is, taking it in the face for the team. Even his bandana looks way cooler than mine. All this being said, I like the slow-mo effect of the ball hitting his cheek and the ensuing shock wave traveling across his face. Very dramatic.

Here he is literally diving for the base as the oafish other team tries in vain to get him out. Only C actually has grass stains on his kickball jersey.

And this is an action shot of C making his THIRD homerun in one game. Even the girl from the other team is impressed. And check out our stoked teammate.


Anonymous said...

hahaha kickball action shots definitely cracked me up....