Saturday, August 16, 2008

TREE CAM Issue 1

So C and I have been undertaking the massive, longterm project that is revamping our yard for the past oh......nine months. When we started it was literally a patch of dirt and now it's got grass and flowers and bushes and herbs. Basically I'm making it sound like a literal garden of eden...which it is, compared to what we started with. (A side note: Tonight, C and I chopped up the one tomato which has managed to make it to maturity and ate it. It was about one and a half inches wide and VERY delicious. Anyone who has ideas as to why none of our other combined fifty feet (no lie) of tomato plants has produced fruit will be handsomely rewarded. With profuse thanks.)

Anyway, when we were digging up the yard to plant sod, I was busy brutally murdering any plant that had managed to put down roots in anticipation of our new lawn, and C being the gentle hearted guy that he is saved a single maple tree from doom, waxing all the time about how we shouldn't kill trees and generally being the cutest man alive. SO. I let him plant said maple sapling (which was one of about fifty eleventy billion others that sprung up in our yard) in an empty pot, thinking it would probably shrivel up and die like most everything I try to grow.


That tree is pretty much thriving. Now I'm all attached to it, like it's some symbol of our relationship and how it's growing and thriving even though cynical people thought it might shrivel up and die. I know, I'm the sappiest person alive. I even gag myself sometimes. But in my defense, my family has this big thing with parents planted a seedling at their first house that is taller than the house now. All of the grandchildren on my dads side have trees planted in their name when they're born to commemorate their growth and what not. You know...the whole "putting down roots" theme. It's big with my folks.

So at long last I give you TREE CAM. This is our tree when we first planted it:

In the next installment of TREE CAM, I will post a picture of it in it's current state, in its new snazzy pot. Yes, we're putting it in a pot because I can't bear to part with it now. Sad? Perhaps. Ok, perhaps very sad.