So, I'm in St. Louis. To be quite honest, I was expecting my adjustment to be a lot more difficult. There have been very few hiccoughs...I have three fantastic roommates, I have a good job situation, my pets are behaving, and my house is beautiful. I exercise and take vitamins. I follow a sports team and own a jersey. The weather is cooling down, and St. Louis is continuing to surprise me at how awesome a city it actually is every time I turn around.
List time!
• Last night we went out to a fantastic club, the likes of which have never ever been seen in South Carolina. Seriously, St. Louis could school South Carolina on the issue of night life.
• But before I did that, I went to a very cool party to take pictures, and wished my friends were there so I could have actually stayed and enjoyed it.
• Earlier this week, I attended a fashion show. That's right, Kate Fenwick attended a fashion show. It was awesome.
• Earlier this <i>month</i> I went to a Cardinals game, and legitimately fear that my life will soon be an espn commercial/I will own a truckload of Cardinals paraphenalia/my children will be Cardinals fans.
• I made up a new pie recipe which is amazing.
• Oliver hasn't shat in the house once. NOT ONCE. Just let that simmer for a minute...
• Roommates = Awesome.
• Tower Grove Park running excursions = Awesome.
• Shopping in St. Louis = Awesome.
• Constantly being lost in a big city = Not so Awesome, but getting better all the time.
• Best street in St. Louis = Ballas. C'mon, <i>Ballas</i>? Awesome.
• Worst street in St. Louis = HIGHWAY FUCKING FORTY. I can honestly say that I hope the dickweed who approved the clusterfuck that is 64/40 rots eternally in the steaming shit filled jaws of Satan.
• All of this reminds me, if you are one of the people who has neglected to give me the time of day since I moved, then fuck you. And no, I'm not going to call you first, because I have a lot going on at the moment. Basically, yeah, I'm doing great having made a fantastically random and difficult move to a different state, thanks for asking. Glad to see you've moved on with your life.
• Actually, this only applies to one of my friends.
• Which, actually, in hindsight does not surprise me even one little bit.
• That being said, I miss <i>precious</i> little about Columbia. As in, I could count on no more than ten fingers the things/people I miss. This, granted, is unexpected to say the least. I definately counted on pining away for at least a couple months. Maybe it'll hit me soon.
• I really hope it doesn't, because my life is really fuckin' happy at the moment.
Monday, August 27, 2007
Posted by Katie Rose at 12:47 PM
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